Oklahoma's new governor Kevin Stitt, who already courted controversy by naming a Christian dominionist to lead his transition team and holding an inaugural prayer at an anti-gay church, has now decided the notorious Anita Bryant is worthy of state honors.
On March 22nd Gov. Stitt declared that Anita Bryant Day would be celebrated on March 25th.
So who is Anita Bryant and why is it a controversy for the governor of Oklahoma to honor her?
Hate Trackers told that story a decade ago.
Hate Trackers told that story a decade ago.
Ten years ago, Hate Trackers did a special series of reports on Bryant after going undercover inside her Oklahoma City ministry. The info below comes from those reports.
On June 21, 1977 32-year-old Robert
Hillsborough lay feet away from the doorstep of his San Francisco home bleeding to death from
fifteen stab wounds inflicted by a young man that stood over him screaming
“FAGGOT! FAGGOT! FAGGOT!” According to an eyewitness account, one of Robert’s
four assailants looked at him and said, “This is for Anita Bryant.”
First blood had been drawn and the mother
of that fallen gay man would soon step forward and point an accusing and
condemning finger at the Florida Sunshine Woman.
years later…
On December 10, 2008, Anita Bryant stood
looking out her husband’s office window staring towards the Harkins Cine-Capri
movie theater in Oklahoma City ’s
Bricktown entertainment district. Wanting a better view, she left her fourth
story perch to go street side and, while standing next to a water taxi stand
ignored by passer-bys who in another era would’ve swarmed the one-time
celebrity, she anxiously monitored the cinema. The biting cold air eventually
forced her to move back inside to pace and stare. And fume.
For over the canal and across the street
were hundreds of gays and lesbians a scant block away from the woman who had at
one time led a national crusade against homosexuality. This time, however, the
homosexuals weren’t there to scream at Bryant or hit her in the face with a
fruit pie. In fact, none in the gathering crowd even knew she was nearby and
watching. None would know of her actions that day until this gay journalist,
working undercover during two separate occasions, obtained access to Bryant’s
hidden sanctuary.
The spied-upon crowd was braving the cold,
gray near-winter evening to see a special screening of the film ‘Milk’, which
honored the life and death of legendary gay rights activist Harvey Milk – a film
in which Anita Bryant is a prominent villain. To them Bryant would be a
ridiculed subject on the movie screen, not someone that was discreetly watching
them congregate and seething over the unfairness of life and the immorality she
feels has overtaken the beloved country she once supported by doing USO tours
with comedian Bob Hope and singing the Star Spangled Banner at baseball games.
Bryant would later say, “I know God doesn’t
want my trials to be easy ones. I know there is a purpose to this. I tried not
to be offended by the openness of so many homosexuals out there that day, but I
have a weakness and I falter. Where has our nation arrived at that such a man
is being honored? The evilness that walks the streets below me has only won the
battle, not the war. To everything there is a season and now it is the time for
my Father’s righteousness to return.”
Shortly after Bryant confided in me about
the return of such righteousness, her husband, Charlie Dry, threatened to have this
gay journalist killed after he discovered the person the couple had
independently befriended was in reality there to expose his wife’s resurrected
hate campaign. It didn’t help matters, when Dry realized he’d done a bit too
much talking to the wrong person himself.
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Harvey Milk |
Harvey Milk had become the first openly gay
man to be elected to an important political position in American history. The
following year San Francisco City Supervisor Milk was assassinated by fellow
supervisor Dan White, who also killed Mayor George Moscone in the city hall
shooting spree.
Milk and Moscone were buried after their
bodies lie at rest in the San Francisco City Hall Rotunda, so that mourners
could pay their final respects. Over 30,000 Bay Area residents silently marched
in their memory.
In what would become known as “The Twinkie
Defense” defense lawyers blamed White’s actions on a diet of junk food. Yet
others blamed an increasingly hateful atmosphere of intolerance that was being
fueled by Bryant’s national campaign to outlaw homosexuality. A former campaign
manager came forward claiming White was anti-gay and an aide claimed that White
had told him before the shooting spree that Milk and Moscone represented all
that was wrong with the world. White was found guilty of manslaughter and his
seven year sentence for the murders of the two city officials led to the
largest gay riot in U.S.
history. The White Night riots saw 61 police officers and one hundred
protestors hospitalized.
After serving five years for the murders of
Milk and Moscone, White was released. Eventually he returned to San Francisco where he
committed suicide.
On that bone-chilling December night in 2008
things had come full circle for Anita Bryant. She was born in Oklahoma 68 years earlier and had since traveled
the country and the world as a pop singer, commercial pitchwoman, challenger to
the concept that all men are created equal, and a deadbeat fleeing tax
collectors and unpaid employees. She did not stand before that window
regretting the deaths of her fellow man and the blood that marked her life and
made her a pariah, but coldly calculated how she could revive a dead career by
reclaiming her throne as homosexuality’s leading nemesis.
Blood on one’s hands is a thing that never
completely washes away no matter how much you want it to disappear. Conversations
with Bryant would later suggest that she never cared about the blood…only the
glory. Her stage presence as a warm, caring, loveable person ends up being just
a stage act. The person behind that façade is actually ruthless and cold, but
lacking a serious enough degree of intelligence to succeed at her intrigues. What’s
left is a broken woman pushing seventy with her beauty queen looks long behind
her, who wants one more head liner and vindication for a sacrificed life.
Ironically, Bryant possesses all the
criteria that makes for a beloved gay icon: larger-than-life physical features,
belting voice, theatricality, show tunes, tacky costumes, man problems,
professional ups and downs, unparalleled diva qualities, and sexy gay men high
kicking behind her – one could say she’s a draq queen without the kick stand.
But she came with hate and bigotry instead of alcohol and amphetamines.
Last year, Anita Bryant received a
ten-minute standing ovation in New
Orleans during a national convention of conservative
leaders. They were applauding someone who many consider a bigot, a charlatan,
and someone that got an orgasmic thrill knowing she had the deaths and assaults
of many gay men on her hands. Thirty one years prior to that night of laurels,
Bryant had lodged an attack on gay men, and to a lesser extent lesbians, that
would give birth to a national gay rights movement and plant the seeds for
the rise and success of rightwing fundamentalist groups like the Moral
The biggest enemy to LGBT’s in the 20th
Century would come to be known as the Mother of the Gay Rights Movement. It
would be her actions that would motivate a nation of gays and lesbians to unite
hand-in-hand to do battle with a woman who wanted to destroy them. There would
be a rallying cry to all across the land and a fledgling gay rights group would
find power and influence.
In 1977 Dade County , Florida ,
passed an ordinance that banned discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Famous resident Anita Bryant, a former Miss Oklahoma ,
second runner up for Miss America ,
pop and gospel star, and celebrity product spokesperson, found her cause
célèbre and began organizing an effort to overturn the law. To advance her
agenda, she founded the group Save Our Children. Bryant stated at the time that
her group was formed for “Christian beliefs regarding the sinfulness of homosexuality
and the threat of homosexual recruitment of children and child molestation.”
She would go on to publicly claim in front
of television cameras, “If gays are granted rights, next we’ll have to give
rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nail
It was a surprise to many that nail biters
shouldn’t have the rights afforded to non-nail biters. In reality, those Bryant
mentioned already had the rights being denied to homosexuals. Prostitutes could
marry. People who slept with St. Bernards could adopt children. And even nail
biters were allowed to eat in any restaurant.
"Homosexuality is nothing new. Cultures throughout history have dealt with homosexuals almost universally with disdain, abhorrence, disgust-even death. The recruitment of our children is absolutely necessary for the survival and growth of homosexuality. Since homosexuals cannot reproduce, they must recruit, must freshen their ranks. And who better qualifies as a likely recruit than a teenage boy or girl who is surging with sexual awareness." From an Anita Bryant ad in the Miami Herald on March 20, 1977
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Jerry Falwell |
Bryant quickly gained an ally in Virginia , who went to Florida to work with and learn from her.
That person was Jerry Falwell. Six years earlier Falwell had founded the Lynchburg Baptist
College , which is now known as Liberty University . To fund the college Falwell
marketed bonds to churches and other sources. Within a year the Securities and
Exchange Commission charged Falwell with fraud and deceit. Falwell and his
church, however, succeeded in their court battle with the federal entity. The
university was left heavily in debt and was due to be closed, when a group came
in and bailed them out. It was later found the group received $3,500,000 from
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a controversial cult figure of the time.
Working side-by-side with Bryant, Falwell
became consumed with a passion to battle the “evils of immorality and
homosexuality”. Gays, lesbians, and others would suffer the impact of their
meeting for the next three decades and beyond. Thousands upon thousands of gay
men would be ravaged by AIDS while the government turned its back on their
suffering and brutal deaths, all due to the influence on the Reagan
Administration by the hate Falwell embraced for homosexuality – a hate taught
to him by Anita Bryant.
While being mentored by Bryant, Falwell
told reporters, “Gay people would just as soon kill you as look at you.”
Bryant successfully organized voters into
overturning the Dade
County ordinance and the
homosexuals there lost their short-lived protections. It was then legal in the Florida county to fire
workers for being homosexual, evict them from their homes, and refuse to do
business with them. Store windows that twenty years earlier displayed ‘No
Coloreds Allowed’ signs, hastily put up ‘No Fags Allowed’ ones. Her group also caused a 31-year-long ban in Florida on gay adoptions
that has been a forefront in gay activism this decade.
[Editor’s Note: In 1998 Miami-Dade County
reinstated protections for sexual orientation. An effort by the Christian
Coalition to revoke the protections failed in 2003. On September 11, 2008, a Florida judge overturned
that law. Judge David Audlin Jr. declared the ban unconstitutional and ordered
that a gay man be allowed to adopt a boy he’d been fostering for seven years.]
Anita Bryant would take her mission
nationwide and within a year protections for gays were overturned in Minnesota , Kansas , and Oregon . An effort called
the Briggs Initiative, strongly opposed by Harvey Milk, saw her and Falwell deeply
involving themselves in California
to outlaw homosexuals from teaching in public schools. However, Bryant and her
allies suffered defeat there, when voters overwhelmingly opposed the measure.
"I don't hate the homosexuals. But as a mother, I must protect my children
from their evil influence." From an Anita Bryant 1978 fundraising letter.
In the end, due to rising resistance and
heavy-handed tactics by gays and their supporters, Bryant ended her national
campaign and retreated from the public eye. There were threats on her family,
boycotts of products she had endorsed in commercials for Coke and Florida orange juice,
petitions and pickets.
There were, however, many others anxious to
take up her cause.
Empowered by Bryant’s successful assault on
gays, the Old Testament religious right set their eyes on the White House.
Falwell, Jim Bakker, Pat Robertson, and Phyllis Schlafly (Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern belongs to
Schlafly’s group the Eagle Forum) would organize and found the religious right
with Anita Bryant being its seed.
These groups would use Bryant’s attacks on
gays to ignite conservative Republicans and turn Southern Democrats into
rightwing religious fanatics, who abandoned their party to join the newly
founded Moral Majority. Their large electoral might would thrust Ronald
Reagan into office followed by George H. Bush and later by George W. Bush.
Reagan would go on to hinder research into a plague decimating gay men across America – AIDS.
The latter Bush would advocate the changing of the United States Constitution
to ban gays and lesbians from marrying.
The Moral Majority found themselves in the
hot seat in the latter 1980s, when well known religious leaders like Jim Bakker (then husband to
the now late Tammy
Faye Messner) and Jimmy
Swaggart became embroiled in highly-publicized sex and finance scandals.
With Falwell taking over Bakker’s ministry the black-eyed Moral Majority needed
a new image and so the Christian Coalition was founded. At the time, Falwell
was also fighting against the sanctions in South
Africa and did not want the United States interfering in
Apartheid. He urged his followers to support the system in which the
white-controlled government would practice racial segregation by buying up
South African gold.
In 2004, Falwell, who was often referred to
as an “agent of intolerance”, emboldened by the sweeping re-election of George
W. Bush, revived his group as the Moral Majority Coalition, which he called,
“the 21st Century resurrection of the Moral Majority.” Gay marriage was
becoming a wedge issue across the country and Falwell sought to finance
candidates that would, when elected, ensure that gays not achieve equal status
in America .
The following year both Falwell and Pat Robertson would declare that Hurricane
Katrina was a punishment by God for the homosexuals in New Orleans . Prior to this Falwell had become
an object of ridicule with his constant declarations that fictional characters
like the Teletubbies and SpongeBob Squarepants were all agents of a gay agenda.
The re-born group’s purpose was to lead a revolution and cause voters to “vote Christian”. They had three main objectives: The confirmation of pro-life U.S. Supreme Court Justices; the passage of a constitutional Federal Marriage Amendment that would limit marriage to one man and one woman; and the election in 2008 of a conservative candidate to the White House.
Anita Bryant’s victories over homosexuals
did not come without cost. She would go into virtual obscurity in the 1980s,
endure bankruptcy, and a bitter divorce that would see Christian
fundamentalists turning their backs on her. The entertainment and advertising
industries made her an untouchable and in an attempt to save face, Bryant made
herself out to be a sacrificial lamb claiming that the attacks on homosexuals
were orchestrated by her husband Bob Green, a Miami disc jockey.
Anita would eventually re-marry in 1990 to
childhood sweetheart and retired NASA flyboy Charlie Dry. The duo would spend
years fleeing a number of states after business ventures soured, leaving the
pair owing money to employees and various state tax coffers.
In 2003, Bryant and her husband took
up residence in an Edmond , Oklahoma estate valued at nearly one million
dollars. The supposedly bankrupted pair, also, secured office space within the
city’s pricey entertainment district.
“I don’t want realism. I want magic!”
Blanche DuBois, A
Streetcar Named Desire
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March 2019: Charlie Dry and Anita Bryant |
When seeing Anita Bryant and her second
husband Charlie Dry together, I could not help but think of Blanche DuBois and
Stanley Kowalski – two characters from the tragic Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire.
Like Blanche, Anita is a relic of past
beauty and urgent ambition with a diminishing façade of grandioseness.
Stanley/Charlie is a brute, a bastard, and
a mean son-of-a-bitch with a fading aura of primal masculinity that suggests
lost glory day sensuality. A former NASA test crewman, Charlie has a
Bible-salesman charm, when looking you in the face, but catch him unaware and
his eyes will be darkened with a cruelty waiting to be unleashed. Cross him and
he will tell you plainly that he’ll have you killed. When he speaks, Anita, who
can be just as ruthless as he, cowers. Without hesitation she rushes to obey him
in a manner I’ve usually only seen in battered women.
As has been her pattern, Bryant appears to
have found another husband that scares the living daylights out of her and
forces her to submit to orders that are too obviously reminiscent of a veiled
brutality that hints of punishment were she not to obey.
Ask people in four states to describe Anita
Bryant and Charlie Dry and you hear two oft repeated words: deadbeats and
Anita Bryant and Charlie Dry live in a
nearly one million dollar 4,639 sq ft home on thirteen acres in an affluent section
of suburban Edmond , OK . The home was purchased in November 2006
for $889,500. Property values in Oklahoma
are far below the national average and a million bucks will get you a lot of
home here. Included in the estate is a 4425 sq ft enclosed pool house. There
doesn’t appear to be a mortgage on record for the home.
The couple leases a suite of offices in one
of the state’s most expensive real estate markets. According to an Oklahoma
City realtor handling vacant offices in the Miller-Jackson Building, where the
couple lease space on the fourth floor, offices range from 1,500 to 2,800
square feet and go for $18 per SF per year. That means the pair are paying from
$27,000 to $50,400 each year for an area large enough to contain Bryant’s
ministry and Dry’s business interests.
With what appears to be a small fortune at
their disposal, why then were the couple bouncing checks and eluding creditors
in Pigeon Fork right before coming to Oklahoma ?
And while living at their near million-dollar country estate why were they
still dodging large lawsuits filed in Oklahoma
district court as recently as last year?
Just in Oklahoma Dry and Bryant have been
sued by creditors in Oklahoma , Hughes, Johnston , and Seminole
Counties . In 1998, Dry
unsuccessfully tried to terminate his parental rights to a child from a former
to his official bio:
Charlie Dry is a recent inductee
into the Oklahoma Aviation and Space Hall of Fame. He enjoyed a long and illustrious
career at NASA. Charlie held the position of Senior Systems Engineer on the
Apollo Command Module. As such, he was responsible for supervising the team of
engineers and technicians who created the ablative re-entry thermal protection
material of the Module. Charlie also served as a Senior Scientific Analyst for
the NASA Johnson
Space Center
in Houston TX , where he directed NASA laboratory
engineering tests during space flight post-test evaluation and developed
mathematical models for test evaluation. Charlie also took on the position of
In-Flight Operator, where he designed, developed and supervised the
installation and in-flight monitoring and operation system for the on-board
Integrated Scientific Experimental Instrumentation Package for the Air
Force/NASA WB-57 A Earth Resources High-Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft
Program. Charlie was also a Flight Test Engineer for the Apollo Spacecraft
Lunar Module Adapter Flight Evaluation Test Program, and served as the chief
Army / NASA liaison for this project.
Charlie was also selected as a NASA Astronaut Test Crewman, where he tested the Lunar Surface Probes that Neil Armstrong and Buz Aldrin used to penetrate the surface of the moon. In this role, Charlie was responsible for alpha testing where he wore, evaluated, and reported on each spacesuit and each piece of flight hardware. Charlie was also the Astronaut Test Crewman for the development of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package. Charlie’s work with this program required onerous physical testing which included centrifuge G-Force testing, under-water survival simulation, hostile space environment simulation, and shock and impact testing. Charlie was awarded the prestigious NASA Apollo Achievement Award for his work there.
Charlie was also selected as a NASA Astronaut Test Crewman, where he tested the Lunar Surface Probes that Neil Armstrong and Buz Aldrin used to penetrate the surface of the moon. In this role, Charlie was responsible for alpha testing where he wore, evaluated, and reported on each spacesuit and each piece of flight hardware. Charlie was also the Astronaut Test Crewman for the development of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package. Charlie’s work with this program required onerous physical testing which included centrifuge G-Force testing, under-water survival simulation, hostile space environment simulation, and shock and impact testing. Charlie was awarded the prestigious NASA Apollo Achievement Award for his work there.
They grew up as childhood sweethearts in rural
Oklahoma , but
Bryant and Dry drifted apart over the years. Eventually, their paths crossed
again and old flames were rekindled. The pair married in 1990, one year after
Charlie had his home foreclosed on him, likely hoping for wedded bliss, but the
coming years saw numerous financial failures, accusations of swindles, and a
multi-state pattern of fleeing town as debtors moved in.
In the years preceding their return to Oklahoma , Anita and Charlie failed at entertainment shows
in Eureka Springs , AR ,
Branson , MO ,
and Pigeon Fork, TN. The Anita Bryant Music
Mansion in Pigeon Fork saw her
invading the home of Dollywood and royally
pissing off the Godmother of the Smokey
Mountains herself – Dolly
Parton. There the pair, while living their normal above-everyone-else
lifestyle, racked up massive debts with local small businesses, failed to pay
employees, and fled the state with tax commission agents and irate investors hot
on their heels.
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Dolly Parton |
Dolly Parton’s Dollywood management company assisted Hate Trackers in tracing a former employee of Bryant’s named for
the purposes of this report, Jeb Michaelson, to interview. However, the person
we talked to at Dolly’s office had much to reveal about the Bryant/Dry scandal
The source, who wanted it made clear he was
speaking only on his behalf and not for Dolly or her company and did not want
his name published, conveyed that Dolly was quite upset at the time over the
bad reputation Bryant and Dry had established in the area and was concerned it
could threaten the 9-to-5 singer’s
own business interests and the local economy by driving tourists away. He
alleges Dolly already had a severe dislike for the homophobic Anita, but the
business misdeeds that occurred mixed with a beloved local populace that Dolly
considers family strengthened that feeling to outright contempt.
He said, “You don’t come to Pigeon Fork and
mess with the folks. These people, if not outright kin to Dolly, are the
children and grandchildren of the Smokey
Mountain residents she
knows and adores. To see the residents misused and discarded, as Anita and
Charlie did, did not make Dolly happy at all. She built Dollywood here to give these people jobs outside the mines. Some of
Anita’s performers and workers are kin to Dollywood
workers or worked here themselves. I wish I had witnessed it, but I heard Dolly
gave Charlie a big dressing down. I heard Anita went into a back room and hid
That source also offered, “When Dolly heard
those kids had gone hungry over there and weren’t getting paid, she made sure
they were given some help and job offers at Dollywood.
That’s Dolly. You won’t find anyone with a bigger heart.”
Jeb Michaelson, an openly gay dancer who
prefers using this alias, worked for both Bryant and Dolly, During an interview
he stated, “Anita Bryant is a Grade A bitch. She’s looney and walks around with
these airs that God has blessed even her flatulence. Her shows require the
hiring of gays in order to work. Where else are you going to get dancers,
singers, makeup artists, and costume designers but from the gay world? So she
is forced to hire us but she makes no bones about detesting gays and will throw
a conniption at any outwardly gay manner.”
When asked about reports that Bryant’s employees
had to at one time steal food from the theater’s snack bar, Michaelson said,
“Oh yeah. After they fled town everything started coming out. We had no choice.
We weren’t getting paid and a lot of us had no local family members to turn to,
so we had to sleep on the floor and sneak food from the vending area. Her and
Charlie do nothing but rip hardworking people off and then skip town owing
everyone money.”
Michaelson concluded, “They pack up and
move to another mansion with another scheme with their pockets stuffed with
cash, while those of us left behind have nothing.”
There are many news accounts that confirm
the accusations lodged against Bryant. Most first hand accounts match closely
to the interviews conducted by Hate Trackers.
According to a report in the April 22,
2002, edition of the St. Petersburg Times,
Bryant and Dry filed a 1997 bankruptcy in Arkansas after their Eureka Springs venture
failed. In 2002, they again filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Tennessee after the
demise of the Anita Bryant Music Mansion.
Due to not receiving pay due them, some of the five dozen people employed by
Bryant in Pigeon Fork suffered evictions from their homes and the repossession
of their cars, while she resided in a leased $350,000 home built into a mountainside.
The newspaper also reported, “The list of
creditors in the Tennessee bankruptcy case includes more than 40 employees owed
a total of $112,122 by the couple's corporation; the IRS, which is owed more
than $80,000; local and state governments, owed $410,000; contractors and
commercial lenders, owed more than $250,000; and about 60 retailers and small
companies, owed $200,000.”
Those debts were never paid.
Four years later Anita and Charlie moved
into their lavish Oklahoma
home with pool house and into some prime real estate office space.
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Bryant lost her Edmond, Oklahoma home during a foreclosure in 2016 |
Within the Bricktown entertainment
district’s Miller-Jackson building housing Anita Bryant’s ministry, you’ll also
find a Hooters, a Water Taxi Company, a Native American art gallery, and,
oddly, several defense-related office suites. Besides her husband Charlie Dry’s
Government Procurement Solutions, who
recently landed a multi-million dollar contract at Tinker Air Force Base for
client Chickasaw Nation through Northrup Grumman, you’ll find GFPS
on the floor below.
There isn’t much information on GFPS other
than being leased on October 24, 2007, by a former Army officer named Kevin
Edgmon. Three months before leasing that office, Edgmon was packing up his
belongings at a federal penitentiary where he’d been serving time for child
pornography convictions out of Texas .
The Oklahoma Sex Offender Registry lists Edgmon as having been convicted in Oklahoma County , however, that is incorrect. He
has no State of Oklahoma Dept.
of Corrections number. The child sex crimes conviction is out of Texas . The Oklahoma registry
defaults to the state district court in which a federal offender resides.
Sharing the same floor with Anita’s
ministry and Charlie’s business are Long
Wave Inc. and DocSoft Inc. Long Wave is a defense contractor specializing in military communications and
software development. One of their more recent clients was the Indian Head
Division Naval
Surface Warfare
Center . DocSoft
specializes in software development with their main clients being the United States
military and large defense contractors like Boeing.
Also, the Army
National Guard recruiting office with a contingent of military personnel is
housed in some very expensive digs on the second floor, just north of the
It’s a wonder Anita Bryant isn’t flashing
back to her Vietnam Era days with Bob Hope and the USO.
Additionally, it has been discovered that a
silent partner with Charlie Dry at GPS is J. C. Watts. Watts is a former United
States Congressman, University
of Oklahoma football
player, and likely Republican candidate for the state’s gubernatorial office in
2010. Currently, he serves on the board of the United
States Military Academy at West Point
and heads the J. C. Watts Companies.
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Julius Caesar "JC" Watts |
The former lawmaker takes great strides to
hide his involvement with GPS and makes no mention of his relationship and
partnership with the OKC-based company that could be seen to unduly manipulate
client bids into appearing to comply with federal minority ownership clauses –
whether they do or not.
In conversations with Dry, during the
undercover phase of this investigation, he made it clear that Watts
was not an associate or contact, but a full fledged partner in the GPS venture.
Further, it has been found on Zoom a biographical notation on Dry
directly connecting him to J. C. Watts Companies. That notation
declares, “Charlie Dry is a senior advisor at the J.C. Watts Companies. As senior advisor, Charlie
works with clients as they navigate the highly complex government procurement
process. He is President of Government
Procurement Solutions, LLC, and has extensive experience in government
contracting in the defense, homeland security, aviation, telecommunications,
and transportation industries. He and his
wife, Anita Bryant, reside in Oklahoma .”
Although full details about the Dry and
Watts partnership aren’t known, the impression learned during the investigation
is that Watts brings in clients, who normally wouldn’t qualify for federal
minority business preferences in contracts within the military and aerospace
industries and uses Dry to network tribal leaders, like Gov. Bill Anoatubby of
the Chickasaw Nation, to “front” the business. Watts then uses his influence in
Washington to
secure exclusive contracts for those companies, who may now possess a coveted
minority preference status.
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Oklahoma's notorious homophobe former Rep. Sally Kern |
Interestingly, Anoatubby and the Chickasaw
Nation were among the largest financial contributors to Rep. Sally Kern during
her 2008 re-election bid to House District 84. The Oklahoma Ethics Commission
shows that Kern received a $1,000 donation from the tribe on August 25, 2008,
and another $1,000 on October 17, 2008. Kern does not appear to be in the
position to influence favorable legislation concerning the tribe, and the
Chickasaws did not donate to all candidates, so it is questionable why
substantial donations were made to the notorious anti-gay figure.
During the undercover operation Dry bragged
to this reporter about his founding of Native American Personnel Services
(NAPS) a fledgling recruiting company he intends to use to place clients into
government contracted positions, specifically the aerospace industry. In itself
that is legal, however, Dry offered financial incentives, or what was felt
could’ve been outright bribes, to this reporter to misuse what he thought was
an official tribal position to wrongly funnel applicants directly through NAPS.
This would involve secretly paying off the reporter/tribal employment official
on the side without the tribe’s knowledge.
During the Christmas season of 1961, Anita
Bryant closed the Bob Hope Holiday Tour for United
States military personnel at Guantanamo Base on the
Caribbean island
of Cuba by singing
“Silent Night, Holy Night”. At the age of 21, the Oklahoma native had begun the first of many
world tours to share her unique blend of pop music, evangelism, and unabashed
Were you to listen to the Leave It To Beaver type tales, you’d
think it was a more “innocent time” in America during 1961. That very same
year the Berlin Wall was erected to keep East German refugees from escaping to
the West. The John Birch Society was declaring any attempt to give civil rights
to blacks was a communist plot. The Soviets detonated a 50-megaton hydrogen
bomb resulting in the largest explosion in mankind’s history. America sent 2,000 military advisors to South Vietnam .
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was formed in the Middle East . Alan
B. Shepard Jr. became the first American in space. Frank Kameny filed a
petition with the Supreme Court of the United States to regain his job as
an astronomer with the U.S. Army after being fired, when it was discovered he
was gay – SOTUS denied the request. Later in the year Kameny helped form a
Mattachine Society branch in Washington
DC to advance gay rights, which
was quickly infiltrated by local police and the FBI. Jose Sarria, a San Francisco drag
performer, became the first openly gay person to run for political office in
American history.
Anita Bryant’s “Wonderland By Night” was
number 18 on the music charts, while Robert Frost was reciting “The Gift
Outright” at John F. Kennedy’s inauguration.
Fixed between the eras of McCarthyism and
Vietnam and as 1961 came to a close, Bryant’s Midwestern beauty and strong
vocal skills combined to stir a melancholy within GI’s, who were far away from
their homes in a hostile environment. Just seven months before had been La Batalla de Girón, the Bay of Pigs, a failed invasion organized by the U.S. government
to wrest control of the communist nation from Fidel Castro.
As Anita sang “Sleep in Heavenly peace” to the soldiers, in Havana , located on the
opposite end of the island, families were begging for the bodies of their loved
ones to be released to them for burial. In the weeks and months preceding her
performance, the silent nights were filled with the screams of hundreds of men,
women, and children being executed at El Morro Castle for their involvement in America ’s failed
nation building effort. As close to Anita was to Havana
she was to another island nation, Haiti ,
a past and future failure at nation building by America . There the Christmas
season, like many others, was filled with a silence not of reverence, but of
fear, as Papa Doc’s terrorist death squads, the Tonton Macoutes, roamed the island. Tonton Macoute translates as Uncle Gunnysack. In America we call
him the boogeyman, but in Haiti he is the horror figure come to life, snatching
children and dragging them off in gunnysacks to never to be heard from
Holy infant so tender and
According to Bryant’s own statements, on March 25, 1940 in Barnsdall , Oklahoma ,
she was declared dead at childbirth. In an act that seems to be common with the
men in her life, her grandfather John Berry threatened to kill the doctor
unless the infant Anita was revived. The doctor managed to rescue the baby and
escape with his life intact and later the grandfather was bragging he’d taught
the baby to sing when she was just six months old. Her early childhood saw her
parent’s divorce, her father abandoning the family for the Army, and Bryant
moving with her mother, sister, and grandparents to Tishomingo ,
Oklahoma after Berry was blinded in an oil refinery
accident and found Jesus, while in the hospital. Later, at the age of eight, Bryant claims to
have been saved, accepted Jesus as her savior, and demanded to be Baptized.
In Tishomingo Anita meant a boy named Charlie Dry and they quickly became
childhood sweethearts. Part Chickasaw
Indian and residing in its 11 ½ county boundaries, Dry was partial to roaming
the southeastern Oklahoma countryside with childhood friends, brothers Tom and
Jefferson Keel, and a pudgy younger boy named Bill Anoatubby, who was destined
to one day become the Chickasaw Nation’s governor. Jefferson Keel would become
its lieutenant governor.
As they came of age Bryant and Dry parted with broken hearts, when Anita
and her family returned north to the Tulsa
area after her mother remarried. Just a few years later she was on that Caribbean stage with Bob Hope, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Andy
Williams. Dry would leave Oklahoma for Houston where he began a
long career with NASA as a systems engineer and astronaut test crewman
responsible for prepping equipment used for the Apollo missions that saw Neil
Armstrong make his giant leap for mankind with his first step on the moon’s
In 1960, while traveling to promote her records, Bryant, a teen, met Miami deejay Bob Green.
After turning 20, the two married with the night before the wedding seeing
Green turn his life over to Christ. The couple divorced in 1980 three years
after Anita,
who’d by then become a mother of four, discovered that her Miami, Florida home
base, which is the same distance from Cuba as Barnsdall is from Tishomingo, was
being terrorized by Uncle Gunnysack.
Uncle Gunnysack had arrived in the form of
gay men to snatch up and molest children and thus Save the Children was born.
Nearly half a century has passed since that Silent Night in 1961. The
Civil War standard “Battle Hymn of the Republic” has since become Anita
Bryant’s signature song having been sung by her in war zones, on Army bases, on
battleships, during political conventions, at sporting events like the Super
Bowl, and even at the funeral of President Lyndon B. Johnson. The president
made it clear before his death that he wanted two things at his state funeral:
Anita Bryant singing and Billy Graham preaching.
Anita and Charlie are back together in Oklahoma after having rekindled their
childhood romance in 1990. She’s still surrounded by military men. The John
Birch Society has now set their eyes on keeping gays from gaining civil rights
and has replaced their anti-communism agenda with an anti-liberal humanist one.
is still led by a Castro. Guantanamo Base is now Guantanamo Bay
and housing Muslim enemy combatants from the War on Terror; at least three of
which are children snatched from their homes never to be heard from again. Replacing
the stage where Anita performed in 1961 is a billion-dollar detention facility
built by energy group and defense contractor Haliburton, who maintains an OKC
location five blocks from those of Bryant’s Bricktown offices. America is
still failing at nation building. The United States ’ Operation Uphold Democracy, its last attempt at nation building on
the island, failed a decade ago and Haitians are about where they were in 1961.
just detonated the world’s most powerful bomb. Gays are still struggling to
keep their jobs in the military.
And Anita is stirring up old fears over Uncle Gunnysack again.
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia.
In September 2008 this reporter got word
that Anita Bryant would be reviving an anti-gay platform within the city I’d
moved to – Oklahoma City .
Just months before, Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern made national headlines by
claiming gays were worse than terrorists and were after children. It seemed
unusual that two women, both now living in the same metropolitan area, held the
same contempt for homosexuals and were leading campaigns, past and present,
against such. Already involved in investigating Kern’s background, I decided to
learn more about Bryant. I started researching her whereabouts and found her
living in Edmond .
Then I decided to pay her a personal visit.
I traveled to her home and rang the
doorbell. After a few minutes Charlie Dry opened the door and stepped out,
closing it behind him. It was getting dark and with a stranger on the front
porch some degree of suspicion is to be expected, but at first Dry was somewhat
cordial, though understandably guarded. We engaged in a very short conversation
where I identified myself and asked to speak with Bryant about her current
ministry. Dry stepped closer to me and very forcibly said, “Get off this
property now. That is the past and we will not have it brought up again.”
He tried to be menacing in the way men long
past their prime think they can still get away with.
The front door opened and Anita peeked her
head out the door, which caused Dry to snap around and scream, “Get in the
goddamn house and call the police.” She obeyed.
As I was at their personal residence and
had been ordered to leave, I knew I was legally obligated to do so and left.
Yet I knew I wasn’t finished with Anita Bryant or Charlie Dry. Months passed
and I decided I would attempt another approach hoping that our short encounter
hadn’t left too much of an impression on the pair and I could attempt to get
closer to them. The ruse was successful and although my time was spent more
often with Dry, I was around Bryant long enough to gain a decent understanding
of her new anti-gay mission.
After leading the late 1970’s national
crusade against what she deems as unconstitutional equal rights for homosexuals,
Bryant suffered a severe backlash as gays across America joined together to
defy her. The negative attention saw Bryant losing recording contracts and her
position as a spokesperson for various products. Following her divorce to Bob
Green, and after finding out just how much the Christian Right frowned upon
divorce in 1980, Bryant found herself shunned by everyone. She attempted for a
period to blame the crusade against homosexuality on Green, but eventually
abandoned that claim once she found out she was better off embracing her past
as a heroine fighting against homosexuality.
Her plans now include “exposing militant
homosexuals” who she says “have managed to subvert the American culture and
it’s foundation in Christ by infiltrating the schools and indoctrinating
children into having the false convictions that homosexuality should be
Bryant revealed, “God gave me four children
when I was told I could bear none. He saved me as a child and saved me as a
mother giving birth to twins. From nothing to four children. When you are told
you can’t have something, then God gives you so much more, you understand the
blessing and the responsibility. I stood up for not only my gifts but for all
children, just as God moved my heart to do. I am not a confrontational person,
but for whom much is given, much is asked. I was given the strength to
challenge the evils being waged in Dade
County . But Dade County
is not all of America and my
service to the Lord meant assuring that the Christian nation that I am so
thankful to be a part of was as safe from the wrongdoings of the homosexual
community as Florida
“I realize now that seeking justice for all
children and their protection from homosexual militants, who were threatening
to kill my family and saying things, filthy things, hateful things, was both my
reward and trial. God told me, “Anita I gave you children, so now you must show
how much you love them and stand up for them.” I did that too. There were
problems. Many problems and I began to falter some. Satan fills you with fear
and desires for self-preservation. I turned my back on what God had expected of
me and pulled back from fighting the homosexuals. But I was doing it for the
safety of my children. From there the burdens I had to bear for standing
against a sickness that threatened my, the, American family were becoming too
harsh and dangerous to bear.”
During the conversations with Bryant, it
was noticed that she refused to accept any personal responsibility for the many
soured business ventures she’d experienced in the last two decades. She would
hint at her troubles being the fault of others, and then fluctuate to them
deriving from her walking away from the mission to fight homosexuality she
believes God laid at her feet.
She stated, “God kindled within me this
task to stem a homosexual tide coming into America and subverting its
institutions. The task wasn’t for a day or a year. It was a lifetime mission.
He gave me a voice and a platform and made me a national figure so that I would
be positioned to an important enough level that others would listen and heed
our warnings. Until He takes me home I will follow my calling.”
“Charlie doesn’t want me to travel this
road again,” she commented, while her shoulders drew in, her body tensed, and
her eyes darted around the offices in what I perceived as a fear that he may
overhear her remarks.
Yet she then acknowledged that her husband
will allow her to travel that road - with certain conditions.
She offered, “There’s a new book on the
way. I am going to do a new tour, bigger than ever. Charlie has told me to
limit my engagements to ones that have a broader Christian and patriotic
audience. The type of people who haven’t turned their hearts to stone, but are
thirsty to do what is right for America .
They need to be reminded that God still loves America and expects it to abide by
his authority. We’re going to have a stars and stripes theme and make people
feel good about loving God and His Country. There will be intimate spots where
I will be able to sit down and talk plain to the people about the growing
dangers with the homosexual agenda. My music will remind them of days, when you
waved a flag and were civic minded and moral. I’ll tell them about what the
homosexuals are up to and why we can’t allow it to continue and what needs to
be done to stop them.”
Bryant, however, would not provide any
specific details about bookings or dates.
In recent months Bryant has geared her Anita Bryant Ministries International website towards reminding people of her
crusading past and has included photographs of her public stands against
homosexuality. The site’s Press Room area has only two entries. One links to a
story from a 2001 article at the Baptist Press Review
that says about the song “God Have Mercy on America ”, “This woman who
sacrificed so much when she took a stand against normalization of homosexuality
begs the Lord to have mercy on our country which has left his standards. When
she performs the song on stage, she and the audience often have tears in their
The other link titled Anita Was Right goes to a World Net Daily article from last year
that says, “Anita Bryant was right, and I want to personally thank her for
blazing the trail of resistance for those of us who follow in her footsteps for
the freedom to disagree with dangerous behavior and an agenda that threatens
our rights to speak the truth and spread the Gospel.”
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