As it’s
been done throughout colonization, Native Americans are being framed as the bad
guys, so that white men can steal from them without guilt.
It’s a
tale as old as 527 years, when psychopath Christopher Columbus stumbled upon a
New Land…or close to it.
kill them. Let’s take their land. Let’s rape their women. Let’s feed their
babies to our dogs. Let’s pillage their villages. And let’s make them look like savages, while doing it.”
Indians are used to bad press.
Indians are used to bad press.
Oklahoma City-based newspaper called The
City Sentinel is leading such a propaganda campaign for
Gov. Kevin Stitt, who wants to get his grubby claws on Indian gaming revenue.
compacts made years ago with the State of Oklahoma, tribes agreed to pay from 6-10%
of gaming revenues brought in from their casinos.
In those legal agreements, the state would bear no risk or cost. They’d just rake the money in after the tribes took on all risks and costs associated with the business ventures. It was a pay to play racket by the state, but it was working out until Stitt – jealous of Native American prosperity -- decided he wanted to raid Indian treasuries for even more cash.
now wants to ride in and take 20-25% of the gaming revenues, which are used for
education, nutrition, housing, and other services for tribal members. Plus, that revenue is used to help the infrastructure in the towns and schools found within Indian country.
Neither Stitt, nor the State of Oklahoma, have put up a single penny, but, like typical gangsters, are there to fill their bags with money extorted from Indians. Pay to play.
Neither Stitt, nor the State of Oklahoma, have put up a single penny, but, like typical gangsters, are there to fill their bags with money extorted from Indians. Pay to play.
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Darla Shelden via Facebook |
Yesterday, an editorial was written by Darla Shelden and packed with lies, which had already
been disproven the day before they published their hit piece.
That op-ed framed activities to make Indian tribes look bad, while not addressing factual data.
The writer and paper need exposed on the lies, deceptions, and…one particular person’s really dark past.
So, Hate Trackers is going to do just that.
That op-ed framed activities to make Indian tribes look bad, while not addressing factual data.
The writer and paper need exposed on the lies, deceptions, and…one particular person’s really dark past.
So, Hate Trackers is going to do just that.
Shelden has been with the paper for just under a decade. She previously worked as a senior television producer for Ackerman McQueen, who until recently were the notorious propaganda arm for the NRA.
So, before Shelden joined in on the scheme to steal from Indians, she was helping to get school children shot down in their classrooms.
She tries to pass herself off in public as a liberal with progressive beliefs, but in actual practice Shelden is just the opposite and cannot be trusted.
Thus, lies and more damn lies are Shelden's bread and butter.
Her paychecks have come from dead school children blood money and attacking People of Color on behalf of a rightwing fanatic.
Now about her editorial writing...
Passages from Shelden's editorial are in red. We’ll be addressing those, as well as dropping a dime on the man helming the newspaper and his dark, sinister past with dominionists, a Nazi war criminal, and a master race scientist.
So, before Shelden joined in on the scheme to steal from Indians, she was helping to get school children shot down in their classrooms.
She tries to pass herself off in public as a liberal with progressive beliefs, but in actual practice Shelden is just the opposite and cannot be trusted.
Thus, lies and more damn lies are Shelden's bread and butter.
Her paychecks have come from dead school children blood money and attacking People of Color on behalf of a rightwing fanatic.
Now about her editorial writing...
Passages from Shelden's editorial are in red. We’ll be addressing those, as well as dropping a dime on the man helming the newspaper and his dark, sinister past with dominionists, a Nazi war criminal, and a master race scientist.
In a recent letter to leaders of
the state’s Indian Nations, Stitt said, “[T]here has been no governmental
action … or court order authorizing electronic gaming in the State, since the
effective date of the Compact,” and therefore “I have been advised that the
Compact will not automatically renew.”
Larger tribes oppose negotiation,
contending that compacts should automatically renew under existing provisions.
Smaller tribes have joined the chorus for the status quo.
Stitt is right. Tribes here pay
less through compacts than do Indian nations elsewhere in the U S.. He wants to
address that now. Prudence and foresight indicate the wisdom of his
communication to the nations.
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Gov. Stitt with VP Pence |
That’s a mistruth. They’ve invited Gov. Stitt to come to council. However, tribal leaders have made it clear they were not going to get swindled and expect the state to negotiate in good faith, which the governor has failed to do.
editorial further made false accusations that the larger tribes were bullying
the smaller tribes and taking the lion’s share of gaming revenue.
They particularly pointed towards the
Chickasaw Nation.
In truth, smaller tribes have been hurt, in market share, because of decades of federal decisions permitting politically more powerful tribes to garner more gaming operations than they would have secured under a fairer process.
In truth, smaller tribes have been hurt, in market share, because of decades of federal decisions permitting politically more powerful tribes to garner more gaming operations than they would have secured under a fairer process.
Here in Oklahoma, six tribes (15
percent of the 39 federally recognized tribes here) have cornered 85 percent of
the Indian gaming market. As noted in previous reflections, “Further
analysis shows that just three tribes (Chickasaw, Cherokee and Choctaw) have
two-thirds of all the tribal gaming businesses. And, one (the Chickasaw Nation)
has one-third of all of the tribal gaming market under its control.”
The City
Sentinel knows how this works, but the truth would not work for their
This is not a political game. It’s a matter of historic boundaries and population. Shelden is an Oklahoman, who would’ve had an Oklahoma History class back in 9th grade where these things were taught to the students paying attention.
She may or may not have an education in these concerns. What is certain is that Darla Shelden has always done the bidding of her rightwing masters. She's a sell out.
The reality is it’s all about LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION!
Oklahoma does not really possess the reservations most Indian tribes are known for. It’s more a matter of allotment and assignment. Most the land within an Indian nation’s area has been taken over by whites, so what you have is a patchwork of land with a mix of Indian and white acreage. In a town, one house can be considered as being on Indian land, while a house next to it would be on white land. One farm may be Indian, while the farm next to it is white owned.
large tribe would cover several Oklahoma counties. Small tribes may just have their
land in a part of a county.
tribal nation serves all Indians living within its borders. It runs all the
social, housing, and educational programs within their service area/nation.
larger tribes are larger tribes, because their traditional land assignments
encompass a larger area. For instance, the Chickasaw Nation covers 11 ½ of
Oklahoma’s 77 counties with Interstate 35 running through them from the
Oklahoma/Texas border right up to the border of Oklahoma County. They get a lot
of traffic coming by their casinos.
like the Cheyenne and other tribes get a lot of traffic coming from Interstate 40.
Territory was at first divided up between the Five Civilized tribes, which
remain the largest nations within Oklahoma – both land and population wise.
Over time, however, as other tribes were relocated here, the Five Civilized
tribes had to surrender parts of their land, so the U.S. government could give it
to the smaller tribes coming in.
was okay. There was plenty of land to share with other Indians. Sure, there
were conflicts at first, but the Indians worked it out and, despite what
Shelden wants to imply, get along quite well these days, because, unlike she
and Gov. Stitt, we actually live in the 21st Century and possess 21st
Century thinking.
Of course after the Indian land assignments, the white man came in during the Land Runs and took almost all of what the Indians were sharing, because they were not taught to share. They were taught to take…and take…and take. Like Stitt wants to do now with The City Sentinel’s endorsement.
Tribes can only build casinos within the traditional boundaries set by the white man. Chickasaws cannot build on Comanche land any more than Comanches can build on Chickasaw land.
Darla Shelden’s
suggestion of a “fairer process” would mean…wait for it!...white men
taking Indian land again and dividing it up to how they see fit. Hey! It’s 1830
and 1889 all over again!
Fairer Process
Winner: White man
Loser: Indians
mighty white of the land grabbing-minded Darla Shelden!
I wonder
if she’d feel it were fair were someone to come take her home and give parts of
it to neighbors with smaller lots?
the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, half of Oklahoma’s border with Texas is covered.
That has flooded Oklahoma with Texas money, as Texans cross the Red River to
come play in the casinos. Those Texans aren’t going to go into more isolated
areas where smaller casinos are operating. Thus, a lot of money goes to large
tribes, because of geography, not because they’re bullying smaller tribes as the duplicitous
Darla Shelden implies in her editorial.
No one can undo events of the
Nineteenth Century. Neither Stitt nor his allies want to reverse progress over
recent decades in addressing past iniquities.
Everyone should desire for
smaller tribal nations and the whole state a more rational share of revenues
that flow from a multi-billion industry in which larger tribes have operated as
the equivalent of monopolies.
Further, there are under-reported
stories from Indian Country, including vendors making more here than elsewhere
because of sweetheart deals with large operations, and the equivalent of
insider trading.
Trump-style logic is bewildering here.
may not be able to undo past iniquities (more commonly known as atrocities),
but you can damn sure not repeat them as Stitt wants to do playing a B-western villain
out to steal Indian possessions with Shelden's endorsement. Taking even more money from Indians damn sure is
reversing progress made over past iniquities *ahem* atrocities.
Nineteenth Century saw a land grab and this is a money grab.
As for
“under-reported stories” well, the City Sentinel is a newspaper so why
aren’t they reporting them in order to give weight to their claims?
they don’t exist. Shelden simply dropped a false accusation in to make Indians
look bad and give the impression that a white man was riding in to save the warring Indians from each other. Her fabrications are just a sneaky way to make the
readers view the Indians as shady and to give the real crooks cover.
suggest Shelden stay the hell off Indian land for the remainder of her racist
The Midtown area of OKC, which her newspaper normally covers, is gentrification taken to its extreme. Upper middle-class whites land grabbed from the poor people living in the area and relocated People of Color, so that they could build overpriced apartments, patio restaurants, and microbreweries.
That’s where Darla Shelden needs to stay her ass, because she wants no part of Indian Country.
Darla, this is your official notice that you are now persona non grata. Indian Country deems you an enemy.
the editorial was penned by the race-baiting Shelden, she’s just a water carrier.
This has Patrick J. McGuigan’s fingerprints all over it.
the senior editor of the paper and runs the whole show. Under McGuigan's direction the editorial was printed.
He’s, also, the shadiest bastard you could ever find.
McGuigan with his history of racist hiring practices was doing Fox News long before there was ever a Fox News.
following material was originally published on Dec. 17, 2008, by Hate
Trackers during our 2007-2014 run.
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Patrick J. McGuigan The Jew with Nazi friends. |
J. McGuigan has an extensive employment history that includes working as a
long-time aide to one of the most notorious gay rights opponents and Nazi
sympathizers in America.
became a Free Congress Foundation (FCF) employee in 1980 and worked directly under
key dominionist figure Paul Weyrich (co-creator of the Moral Majority), in
Washington DC, for ten years. He, also, became a member of another Weyrich
group heavily involved in racial oppression and attempts at squashing gay
rights - the Council of National Policy.
The FCF was founded by Weyrich and beer baron Joseph Coors as the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress in 1974, but changed its name in 1977. Coors, who funded the project, later attempted to have gays with AIDS imprisoned. The beer baron was featured as an enemy of the gay community in the movie ‘Milk’ and gained notoriety for spending millions on anti-gay initiatives. The FCF is considered one of his first efforts to destroy homosexuality.
The FCF was founded by Weyrich and beer baron Joseph Coors as the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress in 1974, but changed its name in 1977. Coors, who funded the project, later attempted to have gays with AIDS imprisoned. The beer baron was featured as an enemy of the gay community in the movie ‘Milk’ and gained notoriety for spending millions on anti-gay initiatives. The FCF is considered one of his first efforts to destroy homosexuality.
Viguerie, who fundraised for the group, has commented, “Even the Free Congress
Foundation's precursor, the Committee
for the Survival of a Free Congress, used an anti-gay and anti-lesbian
platform as a vehicle to attract and unite followers, and they were the
forerunners in the national campaign to demonize homosexuality as a threat to
Americans. Gays and lesbians had been so thoroughly suppressed that mainstream
heterosexual America really knew little about the gay/lesbian community.
Weyrich recognized early on that this ignorance could be manipulated into fear
and then hatred--and then political power.”
FCF website claims, “Our main focus is on the Culture War. Will America return
to the culture that made it great, our traditional, Judeo-Christian, Western
culture? Or will we continue the long slide into the cultural and moral decay
of political correctness?”
leadership classes within the FCF organization require the reading of Adolph
Hitler’s book Mein Kampf. That book
is a treatise on Hitler’s national socialistic ideology and includes a passage
that claims homosexuals are race traitors and should be condemned to death,
which many were once Hitler gained power.
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Paul Weyrich |
McGuigan’s tenure as Weyrich’s key aide, another employee named Laszlo Pasztor
was outed as a convicted Nazi war criminal. Pasztor was responsible for
executing homosexuals and Jews during a German extermination effort in Hungary
with a group known as the Arrow Cross.
It should be noted that Patrick J. McGuigan practices the Jewish faith, but willingly worked side-by-side with a Nazi.
What's that word they used in the concentration camps?
It should be noted that Patrick J. McGuigan practices the Jewish faith, but willingly worked side-by-side with a Nazi.
What's that word they used in the concentration camps?
has founded or been the co-founder of the FCF, Coalitions for America, Council
of National Policy, and the Heritage Foundation. Most those groups began as
rightwing religious groups targeting communism, but turned their efforts
towards attacking gays and ending the separation of church and state.
He and
Coors also founded the Heritage Foundation in 1974, which now employs former
Oklahoma Congressman Ernest Istook Jr.
Istook recently penned an article for the Heritage Foundation, where he works as a distinguished fellow, called ‘The Danger in Appeasing Gay Rights Activists’.
Istook recently penned an article for the Heritage Foundation, where he works as a distinguished fellow, called ‘The Danger in Appeasing Gay Rights Activists’.
its history the FCF has supported: the National Christian Action Coalition, who
wanted a return to segregation in schools; anti-gay bastion the Moral Majority;
and Intercessors for America, a rigidly homophobic fundamentalist group
hired fascist ideologist Roger Pearson as editor of the foundation’s
publication. Pearson, a British native, was a known race scientist, who
believed in the inferiority of non-white races. He later left the Heritage
Foundation after the Washington Post
exposed his background as organizer of the Nazi Northern League to become a
leader in America’s neo-Nazi movement. He became a strong advocate of using
genetics to clean out human kind by altering genes to eliminate what he dubbed
inferior races.
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Tim LaHaye |
began governing a group he co-founded with Left
Behind writer Tim LaHaye called the Council of National Policy in 1981, the
year after he employed McGuigan, who became a member of that group as well.
Besides his “End of Days” literature, LaHaye is also known as claiming
homosexuals are vile in his book The
Unhappy Gays, which is considered a precursor to gay reparative programs.
In the book he asked who was happier: the people who accepted gays or the
people who practiced Biblical capital punishment on gays.
CNP is referred to as the who’s who of the religious right that prefers to do
its business with as much secrecy as possible. Mark Crispin Miller, a media
critic with New York University, claims the CNP is a "highly secretive
theocratic organization -- what they want is basically religious rule."
CNP is considered a dominionist umbrella group. Goals of the dominionists
include infiltrating government entities like state legislatures, the media,
and putting plants within groups they consider to be the enemy, like LGBT
organizations, in order to gather intelligence and create chaos.
Apartheid in the 1980s, the CNP assigned member Richard Bott, chairman of Bott
Radio - a string of fundamentalist gospel stations, to use his Christian radio
influence in order to spread pro-Apartheid propaganda in the United States for
the South African white ruling class. Bott, using funds supplied by the South
African government and Joseph Coors, began a misinformation campaign in this
country to convince citizens that things were just fine in the country and the
blacks were doing well under Apartheid. Attempts to convince Congress to not
place sanctions on South Africa failed and Apartheid soon dismantled under
growing international pressure. Anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela, who was
vilified by Richard Bott in frequent radio shows, was released from prison and
became South Africa’s first democratically elected president in 1994.
ranking member of CNP is Phyllis Schlafly, the founder of the Eagle Forum.
has said of Schlafly, "She has consistently opposed full equality for
women and for gays and lesbians, and has pushed her anti-equality agenda in our
schools and our state houses.”
prominent members of CNP, besides McGuigan, Bott and Schlafly, include Pat
Boone who recently claimed LGBTs would be causing a terror event, as had recently
occurred in India, in American streets. Additional members include Jesse Helms,
Joseph Coors, Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Jerry Falwell, Gary Bauer, Ernest Istook
Jr., Bob Jones III, Don Nickles, and Pat Robertson – all of whom have led
anti-gay campaigns in Oklahoma and around the nation.
the small staff at McGuigan’s City
Sentinel are LGBT community personality Robin Dorner, who works for the
paper as an advertising representative and news writer. Dorner is closely
involved with the Cimarron Alliance Foundation (CAF) and on the board of DBA
Update: Robin Dorner, a straight woman, managed to get her hands on Oklahoma’s
only gay newspaper The Gayly. Yes, the gay paper in this state is run by
a straight woman, who carefully sidesteps many important LGBTQ issues.]
Hate Trackers has previously reported how in recent years CAF has been
infiltrated by individuals, who are employed by anti-gay people in the state.
Dorner has not responded to requests to discuss her status with McGuigan. CAF’s
current chairman, Richard Ogden, has geared his law practice towards serving
Express Services and Bob Funk. Funk is a leading contributor to anti-gay
candidates in the state. Corporation Commissioner Jim Roth, who previously led
the non-profit board in a decision not to prosecute a man for allegedly
embezzling from the group, has continued close financial and political ties to
Aubrey McClendon, who has given over half a million dollars to fight gay
The weekly
City Sentinel began operations under
that name on June 25, 2008, after previously being known as the Mid-City Advocate. The paper bills itself as "Your Premier
source for news straight from the heart of Oklahoma City." and lists only
three employees on their website: McGuigan, Dorner, and Rod Jones. It claims to
be independently owned, but the owner’s name is not listed.
J. McGuigan is also a member of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, which
is a self-styled “think tank”. The group was founded in Oklahoma in 1993 by Dr.
David Brown, the then chairman of Weyrich’s Heritage Foundation in Washington
DC. The major goal of the group is to deregulate the health insurance industry
in Oklahoma. Serving on the board of trustees is Ralph Harvey, who was one of
Kern’s largest campaign donors and is named on this website as one of the Top
25 Enemies of the LGBT Community. The
OCPA stands in stark opposition to gay rights.
leaving the Free Congress Foundation in 1990, McGuigan went directly to work as
top editor for the Daily Oklahoman.
During his tenure there he was quoted as saying, "We're trying to change
the political culture; we're trying to make Oklahoma a conservative
peers accused McGuigan of being blindly conservative, simple minded, and
claimed he played loose with the facts.
1999, during McGuigan’s tenure, the Columbia Journalism Review called
the Daily Oklahoman the worst newspaper in America for its far-right
views and racist hiring practices.
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