October 14th is Columbus Day 2019, or what I call the 527th anniversary of White People saying "We're making progress. Just give us more time".
Things Christopher Columbus did:
Stole land and precious resources
Starved the Indigenous
Brought disease
Enslaved human beings
Raped women and young girls
Tortured people
Fed infants to dogs
White People: What a great guy! He deserves a holiday!!!
The more things change...
Americans still kill brown people and take their natural resources, this government is still caging children and separating families, while deciding who gets to live on their native land, and which type of people gets equal treatment under the law.
The latter seen this week as mostly old white men in black robes argue whether LGBTQs are worthy of civil rights.
About how much more time y'all gonna need? Can we get a time frame?
I'm asking for every child dying at the border or crawling through Baghdad streets without legs or infant washing up on shore and every trans person facing unemployment and homelessness. Every gay teenager forced to climb into bed with an old man for the night to avoid freezing to death in the harsh cold. Every poor mother begging doctors to treat her baby. Every black person seeing a cop and wondering if this is the day they will die. Every co-ed being stalked across campus. Every mosque and synagogue congregation wondering if they'll leave worship in a body bag. Every school student prepared to text "I love you. Goodbye!!" to their parent.
I'm asking for every child dying at the border or crawling through Baghdad streets without legs or infant washing up on shore and every trans person facing unemployment and homelessness. Every gay teenager forced to climb into bed with an old man for the night to avoid freezing to death in the harsh cold. Every poor mother begging doctors to treat her baby. Every black person seeing a cop and wondering if this is the day they will die. Every co-ed being stalked across campus. Every mosque and synagogue congregation wondering if they'll leave worship in a body bag. Every school student prepared to text "I love you. Goodbye!!" to their parent.
527 years and yet still more time is needed. That's a crock of muck, people.
This isn't hard to figure out. There are only two sides to be on. There is no in-between...that's a fence straddled far too long. You can't justifiably be friends with those who harm others because of their race, class, religion, or sexual identity.
If you choose to, then you're complicit in the harm they do. If you say you love your gay son or mixed race grandchild, but you friend those seeking them harm, then you're a horrible person and I feel badly for the people related to you. Either stand up for them or admit you're completely worthless to your loved one.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
It's time you put your foot down and scream "NO MORE!" Scream it in the faces of your family, the friends you appear to have chosen badly, the politicians, and the clergy.
You want to know how to handle holiday dinners, because your politics are different? (Is this even politics? Because it's more a matter of basic human decency.)
Go find better people to break bread with. You don't have to share a meal with bigots and assholes, who sour your stomach.
And you don't have to be kind to everyone.
After images of her laughing with President George W. Bush at a Dallas Cowboys game went viral, talk show host Ellen DeGeneres created an even bigger controversy by gaslighting those upset about her friendship with someone a lot of people think is among the most vile beings of the 21st Century.
“I’m friends with George Bush. In fact, I’m friends with a lot of people who don’t share the same beliefs that I have. Just because I don’t agree with someone on everything doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be friends with them. When I say, ‘Be kind to one another,’ I don’t mean only the people that think the same way that you do. I mean, ‘Be kind to everyone, it doesn’t matter.’”
One can disagree about brussel sprouts, but war crimes are another matter.
DeGeneres is engaging in some heavy duty gaslighting directed at people that believe war criminals don't deserve positive reinforcement. Ellen, a lesbian, chose to bully those aware that Bush fought with all his might to make same-sex marriage illegal and those with no taste for crimes against humanity.
It's important to have relationships with people who don't necessarily agree with you, but one needs to exercise common sense on who those people will be and understand what harm they've done to others.
Few are saying Ellen can't be friends with a conservative Republican. This one in particular, however, has a lot of innocent blood on his hands.
From Katrina to Iraq to black sites in Poland to waterboarding to Karl Rove-style politics to no due process at GITMO, well, that transcends politics. The person that lied the nation into war and was behind the deaths of over 4,200 American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians - all to abate his daddy issues and profit his buddies at Halliburton - needs brought to justice, not befriended.
Ellen, Bush needs to be in a cell at the United Nations Detention Unit, not sitting in the guest chair of your talk show or next to you in the "for rich people only" section at a class-segregated football game where black players are ostracized for taking a knee against racist police brutality.
Along his way to war crime infamy, Ellen's friend found time to promote prisoner abuse, torture brown people, rig bids for his wealthy friends, and fiddle while parts of the Gulf Coast drown.
Would you befriend someone like this? Or would you make them a pariah?
Uh huh, stay the hell away from me!
In a decade will all be forgotten and President Donald J. Trump treated as lovable ole Poppa Donnie who mischievously grabs his granddaughter by the pussy?
Oh that Poppa Donnie! He's a dirty mess, but you just have to love him.
Oh that Poppa Donnie! He's a dirty mess, but you just have to love him.
Do not be incredulous about that. It's the pattern of whitewashing the past. It happens all the time.
At the game, Ellen was the guest of Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, who demands players stand for the very flag that flew as Indigenous villages were burned to the ground and the anthem that says in its third verse:
No refuge could save the hireling & slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free & the home of the brave.
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Jackson |
The Star Spangled Banner's lyricist, Francis Scott Key, became an adviser to President Andrew Jackson, a plantation owner known for the forced removal of the Indigenous under Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion. While working for the Jackson genocide, Key was placed in charge of prosecuting early abolitionists. He showed no mercy or kindness for those seeking to free slaves.
Y'all black folk better stand up for his song...or else.
As you've likely heard, Trump is a huge fan of Jackson and standing up for Key's anthem.
As you've likely heard, Trump is a huge fan of Jackson and standing up for Key's anthem.
In the Ellen world, all the evil Bush did has been forgotten in a grand celebration of classism. And it is a matter of classism. Many horror stories have come out about how DeGeneres treats staffers. It's not with the kindness she shows war criminals and rapists with fat checking accounts.
Despite Ellen trying to guilt you into it, no, you don't have to be kind to everyone.
Ellen isn't as kind as she pretends to be anyway. Her kindness is performative. She's not always kind to her employees. If the rumors are to be believed, she treats those working for her like peasants.
After a fellow comedian accused her of being mean, Ellen responded, "I don't have to have anyone on my show that I don't like."
Bush has been on her show and so has Mike Tyson. Does she like war criminals and rapists?
You don't have to dance with or be kind to war criminals, rapists, child molesters, cold-blooded murderers, bullies, abusers, racists, or any monster.
Don't be gaslighted into thinking you have to be; especially not from an insulated celebrity making a profit off dancing with war criminals and chit-chatting with rapists.
We don't dwell in Ellen's profitable Pattycake Land where one can dance around on stage, do an act of performative kindness, and skip off to the bank. We don't get to call up the Academy and ask them to give a homophobe like Kevin Hart a free pass.
But it is Ellen's Pattycake Land, isn't it? The queen gets to do whatever she wants in her realm.
George W. Bush is as about as monstrous as it gets. He's not a big, cuddly goofball handing out candy to black children...or Michelle Obama. He's a beast. Revising his history and pretending he's harmless is fickle and feckless. And dangerous.
“...a beautiful, funny, kind, sweet man,”said Michelle Obama of G.W. Bush
It's all harmful. We know that it is harmful, because people keep redeeming the worst among them, rewriting their histories, and celebrating them with holidays, while pretending they are being a good person for forgiving, and never ever after 527 years arriving to the place they should be at.
One isn't going to evolve, if they don't remember the bad that was done. Bush was the Christopher Columbus of his time. He invaded foreign lands to steal natural resources, killed the brown people on that land, while leaving the living ones in squalor. He cracked jokes about Brownie, as black babies drown in flood waters just as Columbus did, when he had brown babies thrown to dogs for entertainment.
Kindness and sweetness are facades for some. Plantation masters were quite civil in their refined Southern ways, as they had slaves whipped. White people thought they were doing the right thing for Indians by marching them on a Trail of Tears.
Kindness and sweetness are facades for some. Plantation masters were quite civil in their refined Southern ways, as they had slaves whipped. White people thought they were doing the right thing for Indians by marching them on a Trail of Tears.
With both having a comfortable station in life, Ellen and Michelle are willing to whitewash Bush's history and make him harmless. This is how things never change. This type of action is how progress is stunted.
Wealthy liberals are well-schooled at being fickle and feckless. It seems that once you reach a certain class level you forget the people being oppressed down on the lower rungs. You forget who has been doing the oppressing and become one of them. You become part of the problem.
Hell, you are the problem.
Hell, you are the problem.
At this point in her life, Ellen is an obstacle that needs overcome. Certainly, she has done good in her life, but the last couple of years has shown her to be lost. She's gone to the other side where she's found a safe and comfortable place.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed this in Letter from a Birmingham Jail.
“I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."
Once your needs are met, you sell out.
You feel safe setting next to a man that strikes fear in other women, especially if they've been raped by him. You live behind walls and gates guarded by security knowing that you're safe from the rapist, so that's what matters. Everyone else be damned.
Instead of pointing at a ex-boxer Mike Tyson, who served time after raping a teenager, and screaming "RAPIST!" you're telling girls and women, "Aw, he's okay. He's safe. Don't worry about him. Rapists are sweet."
Why didn't you warn us about him, Ellen?
Be kind to everyone, it doesn’t matter.
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Under Ellen's version of performative kindness, even rapists like Mike Tyson get a pass just as long as they're a rich celebrity that can bring in viewers. |
Blow your goddamn rape whistle, Ellen! Blow the hell out of it.
But no, gotta be kind. Gotta soften up folks and guide them into letting their guard down.
Gotta make it 528 years.
Gotta make it 528 years.
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