Saturday, October 5, 2019

Neighbor Taunts Neo-Nazi Living Across the Street With Israeli Flags

Notorious Pennsylvania neo-Nazi Daniel Burnside is getting a taste of his own medicine and he's not liking it one bit.

Burnside, a member of the National Socialist Movement, has irritated his neighbors for years by flying Nazi flags on his Ulysses, Pennsylvania property.

An August 2018 report by CNN stated:
Already, Burnside has been marginalized by residents of this Pennsylvania town. Though he extols Donald Trump -- whom 79.5% of voters here in Potter County chose for President in 2016 -- he's drawn the ire of his neighbors in Ulysses, who say his intense racism doesn't reflect their values and has generated unwanted attention, angst and even fear. 
After a story in The Washington Post exposed Burnside's bluster, death threats arrived online, taking aim at the town at large. But for all his fuming, Burnside hasn't broken any laws, a top elected leader in the area said, leaving little officials can do to remove the target of their collective backlash.
Burnside's neighbor issues get quite a bit of news coverage even in Australia where a news outlet there reported:
Just off Main Street in the town of Ulysses sits a yard decked out with swastikas, Confederate flags and wood carvings of Norse gods. 
"I try to display as much patriotism as I can. … It creates conversation," says Daniel Burnside, the tattooed, bearded man who owns the property. 
"If it creates angst, if it creates discomfort in people, maybe they need to explore why that angst and discomfort is there."
Now it's Burnside feeling the angst and discomfort. 

Burnside posted that on his VK account. VK is a Russian online social media and social networking service where Nazis and other white supremacists now congregate after being kicked off Facebook and Twitter. 

There his Nazi pals suggested he commit an act of arson. 

However, instead of committing arson on his neighbor, Early this morning, Burnside chose to set fire to a swastika instead. Seeing as how that happened around 3 am, the neighbors were likely asleep and unaware of the triggered Nazi's tantrum.

Hate Trackers will continue monitoring the neighborhood feud in case of further developments.  


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