Tulsa's 100-year long love affair with the Ku Klux Klan continues, as county officials have turned to ignoring pleas from worried African Americans and are circling the wagons to protect the white supremacist infiltration into their court system.
The county has decided that Ku Klux Klan member Bonnie Kukla will remain on the payroll.
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Tulsa County Clerk Dan Newberry |
“At the same time, I and all that work for this office, have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution, part of which is the protection of free speech. If at any time I find that someone is not performing their duty to uphold the Constitution the situation would be dealt with according to the offense.”
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Commissioner Karen Keith |
County commissioner Karen Keith told The Frontier that county lawyers had indicated to her that it would not be possible to fire Kukla based on her alleged KKK membership.“Our hands are tied,” Keith said. “There’s just not much Tulsa County can do.”
That's rather disingenuous as employees around the nation, who have been identified as white nationalists and belonging to hate and extremist groups, have been fired from their jobs in both the private and public sectors.
It's actually a thing these days.
Perhaps Tulsa county officials and their lawyers should look around for guidance from other public employers. They'll see that their excuses are quite lame and they don't need to continue recklessly disregarding public safety and dismissing their black citizens' fear of the Klan.
Just last week in Virginia a capitol police officer was put on leave as the state investigates his association with white supremacists groups.
Tulsa lawyers: It's done all the time. Since your law degrees seem to be failing you, go Google it.
Additionally, Oklahoma is a work at will state. That means employers, including governmental entities, do not need an excuse to terminate anyone's job.
Bonnie Kukla is not a Girl Scout. She belongs to an organization that has terrorized African Americans, immigrants, gays, Jews, and others since 1865.
The protected Tulsa County employee is part of a secretive Invisible Empire whose hooded members have murdered thousands of people in America.
In 1920, the Klan operating in Tulsa numbered over 2,000. That was in a city whose population at the time was 72,000.
In 1921 the Tulsa Race Massacre occurred where mobs of white men attacked the Greenwood district of Tulsa and proceeded to bomb and torch African American homes and businesses. 35 blocks of Greenwood were destroyed over a two-day period. An estimated 300 blacks were killed and 6,000 arrested.
If that's not terrorism, you tell me what is. If anyone should know it should be you, Tulsa. Or perhaps I should ask Oklahoma City about how terrorism from the lunatic right worked out for them, as Tulsa County doesn't seem to have a grasp of the situation.
Well, Tulsa leaders, if you don't have the balls to call it terrorism, then call it an ongoing organized criminal gang and toss Kukla out onto the streets for being part of that.
You wouldn't allow a member of ISIS or MS-13 to work in your court offices, would you? No you wouldn't. And you know that. Yet you allow someone that belongs to a far more dangerous terrorist group and criminal gang than either of those two to work for you.
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Dylann Roof |
That was Bonnie's people.
Mass murderers Dylann Roof and Robert Bowers belonged to white supremacist groups that hate blacks and Jews, just like Bonnie Kukla does. Yet you protect her as a matter of religious liberty.
Where was the religious liberty at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church or the Tree of Life Synagogue?
Where was their right not to die at the hands of cold-blooded white supremacists?
I'll tell you, Tulsa County officials, all that was taken away in a hail of gunfire by the type of people your employee associates with, you duplicitous half wits.
There's also been word coming out of the Tulsa County Courthouse that Bonnie Kukla has never compromised information, while being employed there.
They're defending her and making excuses for her to keep her job. Imagine that. That's textbook circling the wagons.
It should be noted that until last week, when Hate Trackers broke this story, the seems-to-know-everything-except-what's-happening-beneath-their-noses Tulsa County officials were not even aware of Kukla's hate group affiliation, so it's hard to believe they can so boldly state she's not misused information gained while working for them.
They certainly aren't showing any evidence they know as much as they like to think they know.
Clearly, an audit of Kukla's work is in order and Kukla must be kept from accessing anymore sensitive information until Tulsa County understands the nightmare they're encouraging and can her.
Social media is seeing a flood of posts from concerned citizens upset that their financial and court proceedings may have been compromised and is now in the hands of a hate group. Those fears are rational as the KKK infiltrated city, county, and state governments with their members in order to control and harm.
Stephen Kukla, the court clerk employee's husband who we've documented as singing "Old Rugged Cross" at a cross burning, has told other media outlets they're not card-carrying members of the Klan.
That doesn't pass the smell test, when they attend an annual conference at the KKK headquarters in Arkansas where the pastor there posts things such as the following.
Note: We chose the less graphic ones. So, none of Robb's beloved photos of black men hanging off trees or using a baseball bat to abort a black woman's baby or black children with rifle sights on their head. Those are best left unseen.
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Tulsa County: This is what you're protecting. |
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Tulsa County: This is what you're protecting. |
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Tulsa County: This is what you're protecting. |
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Tulsa County: This is what you're protecting. |
The Kuklas will be attending Pastor Thomas Robb's next conference in April. He's listed on the flyer advertising the event to other Klan members.
Likely, Bonnie will be bringing the potato salad and her husband will be singing at the cross burning, as they're known to do. All while Tulsa County protects them and puts public safety at great risk.
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DeHooded: Tulsa County Court Clerk Employee, Husband Live Secret Lives in the Ku Klux Klan
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