Wednesday, December 12, 2018

2018 Report: Anti-Government Extremism in America by Sovereign Movement Expert JJ MacNab

In the U.S. there is loose-knit grouping of sovereign citizens, private paramilitary groups (self-styled "militias,) doomsday preppers, tax protesters, and related organizations. They're plotting and carrying out attacks on American soil, while building a body count.

JJ MACNAB is the nation's leading expert on the various right-wing extremist groups that make up the modern Sovereign movement. MacNab works as a frequent consultant to the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, the US Marshals, the Department of Justice, the IRS, and the Canadian Provincial Police, providing background information and intelligence on various leaders within the Sovereign community. She lives in Rancho Mirage, CA.

She has now released a comprehensive report on the state of anti-government actors and actions in America covering 2000 - 2018.

You can read the full report available at Hate Trackers HERE.

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