Friday, December 7, 2018

Achille, Oklahoma: where the love of hate and illicit drugs is overflowing

Achille, Oklahoma: Where the love of hate and illicit drugs is overflowing.

First the little town terrorized a trans girl, then their police officer was shown to be a Nazi, then their mayor was arrested for burglary and drugs, now their councilman has been busted in a drug raid.

Hate Trackers first got a look at Achille back in August, when we exposed that some residents there were stalking, harassing, and threatening to castrate a 12-year-old trans girl named Maddie. Eventually, the Maddie's family had to move out of town for their own safety.

VICE News ended up doing a story on that.

Then we reported about their police officer being a neo-Nazi.

Then we reported that their mayor had been arrested for burglary and drugs. Now we're reporting another city official has been busted. Do you recognize a pattern here?

Achille police told KXII that over 200 grams of meth, two pounds of marijuana, and several guns were found inside Achille Councillman Lynn Chambers’ home on Tuesday night.

In all, authorities arrested five people in connection to meth trafficking and possession of weapons. They could also face child endangerment charges since children were inside the home at the time.

This is one town that might could use a few weeks of being under federal martial laws, so that they can get their acts together. 

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