Old School Lispy Jim Stachowiak |
UPDATE 12/23/2018 - Oops! He did it again. Brandishing Assault Rifle Unhinged Stachowiak Threatens to Shoot and Torch Marines, Antifa, and Others
A Georgia man named James Stachowiak, who has a long sordid history, has been busy calling for the execution of Antifa activists in lone wolf style after a Confederate rally failed to go his way.
In the video above filmed by Ford Fischer, James Stachowiak is the loudmouth with the bullhorn. This all took place Sunday during a Confederate rally on the campus of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in support of the Silent Sam statute, which students and others want removed.
Back in August about 250 protesters gathered on campus to protest Silent Sam's representation of the War of Southern Submission. Several were involved in knocking over the school's controversial Silent Sam Confederate statue.
That statue is now in storage, but the pedestal remains.
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Silent Sam is a frequent target of vandalism |
According to Wiki, on December 3, the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees recommended to the university system's Board of Governors that the statue be housed in a new "University History and Education Centre", to be built on campus at an estimated cost of $5.3 million, with an annual running cost of $800,000. On December 14, 2018, the Board of Governors rejected this plan and sent the issue back to the campus, with a deadline of March 15 for a new plan.
The Confederates want the statue to be restored where it was and gathered to show their position. Although they claimed it was to be a prayer vigil, the Confederates showing up with bullhorns. They were confronted by other parties, including members of Antifa.
After the rally Stachowiak went on a Facebook video rant about people needing to go "lone wolf" on Antifa members across the country. Lone wolf implies the murder of opponents usually conducted by a single assassin.
As is his habit, Lispy Jim got most of the story wrong. It was a young man's tire that was damaged and there's no evidence Antifa or any other protester was involved.
Living down in the Rabbit Hole keeps Lispy Jim in a constant search and destroy mode. After the tire damage story he got wrong, he decided he was officially at war with Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
Coming from that blowhard, however, it never amounts to anything. He just huffs and puffs a lot trying to convince everyone he's a tough guy, when the reality is he's pretty much just a joke.
Lispy Jim jumps from one bandwagon to the next. One year he's with border watch groups until they give him the boot over his drama and betrayals. Then that same pattern is repeated with anti-government groups, resistance groups, anti-Muslim groups, anti-Mexican groups, anti-Semitic groups, and it appears now the Confederacy and a anti-Antifa platform.
The side that lost the Civil War probably should have checked him out before allowing him to join their ranks. Stachowiak tends to be a poison most groups know to stay away from at this point.
The white nationalist Stachowiak has a long history of calling for the murders of many people, including black women and children.
He's even called for the deaths of anyone connected to Hate Trackers.
As it turns out, we have a decade long experience with James "Lispy Jim" Stachowiak. We know the buffoon's every little secret.
Hate Trackers has been exposing Lispy Jim for a decade. In fact, while he was hosting Freedom Fighter Radio we dubbed him "Lispy Jim" due to his speech problems. That nickname stuck and everyone in the Patriot and Militia Movements have since referred to him as such.
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Lispy Jim used to post this type of thing about us often. |
Stachowiak has long been investigated by law enforcement, but manages to skirt the line between protected speech and committing an actual crime.
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One of the many law enforcement inquiries into Lispy Jim |
Lispy Jim gained our attention beginning in 2009, while we were taking down the American Resistance Movement (ARM) - a nationwide domestic terrorist organization that we managed to completely destroy. At the time Lispy Jim was a ranking member and host of Freedom Fighter Radio, so he got priority status on our take down assignment.
Stachowiak spent a very short period as a cop in Georgia. His career, however, was cut short when he got an underage girl drunk and tried to force sex on her.
Below is a video of an ARM member talking about how much damage Hate Trackers was doing to their domestic terrorist group. This is Tony Lecanzo, a wife beater and Miami Florida gang member.
To say Lispy Jim hates Hate Trackers would be to put it mildly. During our history with him, he's tried to dox us and failed miserably at one point claiming this writer was a young man.
TARGETS INNOCENT TEENAGER IN PURSUIT OF VENGENCE April 5, 2010 During Monday night’s show prior to posting on his blog, Stachowiak loudly chambered a round into his handgun, while discussing the photos of his young target.
The self-proclaimed military leader, who lacks any military service, claimed the photos he was presenting as evidence to “expose” Hate Trackers’ writer James Miko, were from eight years ago. However, the uneducated ARM voice failed to disclose that the Bebo account was created when Stachowiak’s victim was 16 and now reflects his age as 20 – thereby making it four years ago, when the account originated. The actual James Miko writing for Hate Trackers for nearly two years (at a point where Lispy Jim’s target was likely still in high school) is in reality far older than the scant twenty years the delusional Stachowiak is trying to claim with his bad math. The computer-generated image used to represent the character known as Hunter, who debuted in 2008, is actually an age-regressed image generated by using the original image previously representing the Smack columnist. The original representation was that of an angry and cantankerous young boy, seen side-by-side with the computer generated age-regressed image. When a new columnist was brought in to be Hunter, he wanted the character to be someone older and having a “hipper” appeal to his targeted readers.
This is the photo Lispy Jim tried to use to base his identification on. Two years earlier it was used for our Talkin' Smack column. The image was purchased from a stock company.
Lispy Jim spent a couple of years riding with controversial pastor Terry Jones from Florida. They burned Qurans and led anti-Muslim demonstrations. Jones eventually lost his church and his mission and now operates a french fry booth inside a Florida mall - not joking at all.
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Lispy Jim and Pastor Terry Jones |
He made things worse for his mother after moving in with her.
How bad did it get for his mother? Well, she lost her house. While we were watching things unfold online, Lispy Jim set the Democratic flag on fire. HT was doing screen grabs, as the fire spread out of control and burned his mommy's house to the ground.
VOICE OF THE RESISTANCE HAS TO MOVE IN WITH HIS MOMMY March 19, 2010 Lispy Jim Stachowiak, the self-proclaimed voice of the American Resistance Movement and its new offshoot the American Militia Movement, has stopped screaming as loudly as he is known to do on his Freedom Fighter Radio program. This is likely due to the fact that the “This ain’t no candy ass show” gun-waving barker is now back to living with his mommy on Furys Ferry Road.
The short little fellar with a complex has been constantly unemployed leading to eviction from his former suburban home/militia compound in Martinez, GA. Often he rages about Obamacare and a nanny state, but has not been known to rant against middle-aged men being supported by their elderly mothers. This week he declared on his internet radio broadcast that UStream had suspended his ability to stream video for the program, however, his account is still active and archived videos accessible. It would appear, the real reason is being at mommy’s house the AK47’s, knives, and ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ flags often seen in the backdrop have been replaced by whatever it is elderly Southern ladies are decorating with.
Going forward, if Lispy Jim wants to continue to take on Obama, American Troops, Law Enforcement, the United Nations and the New World Order, not to mention the Mexicans and Zionists, and Hate Trackers, he might need to get his mommy’s permission to stay up late and play.
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The accidental arsonist |
Those screen grabs were pure gold and solidified his reputation as a clown and buffoon with both the Patriot Movement and among us hate trackers.
His anger soon turned to rage, when we did a deep investigation into his past and discovered some unsavory facts, like he belonged to a communist youth group and molested a little boy. The story, however, hit too close to home for him and Lispy Jim offered to become our snitch against the Militia Movement, if we stopped reporting on him. We turned him down, as we simply could not trust him.
We reported on Lispy Jim's offer instead, which led to this response from the Militia Movement.
The second video above is an undercover video of the July4Patriot's terrorist training camp in California. Hate Trackers identified who he was and the game was afoot. The video above that is from a television news story about threats the American Resistance Movement were making to us over Dyer's eventual arrest.
The July4Patriot saga went on for a couple of years. Information surfaced that he was plotting to be the next Timothy McVeigh. When he skipped bail over the child rape charge and fled Oklahoma, the FBI put him on the Ten Most Wanted list and went on a national manhunt to stop him. Hate Trackers was credited with identifying who he was with and where he was likely headed. Dyer was found where we said he'd be and taken into custody.
Prior to taking flight, the July4Patriot was prepping to go on a killing spree in revenge for child welfare keeping his daughter from him. It was his seven-year-old daughter that Charles Dyer had raped. We had been monitoring his online communications with the Militia Movement, while he was awaiting trial and after seeing he still had weapons and was going mental we warned the Stephens County Sheriff's Office of what was going on. They responded to his home, but he'd already left.
Dyer will be an old man when he gets out of prison in 2039.
Here's an undercover video we did at the time of Dyer's manhunt where HT had infiltrated his inner circle. We identified Debbie Swan as the person that helped him become a fugitive. Although she denies that to police in this video, she'd eventually admit to such before a federal grand jury. Undercover videos aren't the best quality, but you can get an idea of what's going on through Swan's talking to Texas police officers.
And that dear readers is Lispy Jim Stachowiak and the friends he always ends up cheating and betraying.
Frequently, Lispy Jim has done things that would have put others in prison, but he keeps avoiding that and keeps his guns as well.
There's a reason for that: When the heat gets turned up on him, Lispy Jim Stachowiak turns to snitching others out. He swings deals with the police and the feds by informing on his current associates.
Lispy Jim is at his core a clown that needs attention and a snitch, rat, fink, informant, what have you.
Now that he's hanging with the Confederates, you can be assured he's gathering intelligence on them, so that the next time he faces felony crimes, he has something to trade.
We, leaders of our units within The Militia Movement and as individuals, have announced a BANISHMENT to be conducted against James Stachowiak, a/k/a Jim Stach, a/k/a Jim Snitch, a/k/a Lispy Jim, a/k/a Jim Snitchowiak, a/k/a Judas Stachowiak. We turn our backs to him, as he has forfeited the right to be counted among our brothers.
Jim the Snitch operates and his mother owns the websites freedomfighterradio.net and americanresistancemovement.com He is not the voice of the resistance or a leader in any fashion. He does not have standing to declare who is a member of ARM and who is not. He does not speak for the resistance, the militia movement, or any militia unit.
Jim the Snitch has usurped a role in ARM that he, nor anyone, are entitled to. He has been removed from the Georgia Militia, the South Carolina Militia, We Are Change Georgia, and Border Watch for embarrassing those groups, trying to control them, threatening and harrassing other members, and frequent acts that bring into question his mental stability and trustworthiness.
Jim the Snitch has been gathering personal information about militias and militia members and when they have refused to accept his attempts at being alpha dog, he has falsely accused them of being traitors and given their information to the feds and anyone that listens to his amateur radio program or reads his blog. He is very petty and a loose cannon that incites with lies, makes up lies about patriots that he can provide no evidence of rather than his word, which has been soiled by his desire for vengence against them.
Jim the Snitch has spent much time in recent months gathering private information about patriots. He then uses that to endanger the lives of their wives and children. He has a documented history of stalking women, children, and the disabled, but as cowards tend to do will not personally confront a man. Jim the Snitch is known for his propensity to slander the children, wives and mothers of true patriots. As he isn’t a real man and lacks any code of honor, he cannot understand that if you have a problem with a man you don’t drag their children and wives into it.One of the patriots Lispy Jim cheated was the notorious July4Patriot, his fellow American Resistance Movement member, who is now serving 35 years in an Oklahoma prison for child rape.
American Resistance Movement Mouthpiece Has Decades-long History of Child Sexual Abuse
March 27, 2010 Hate Trackers has learned that “Lispy” Jim Stachowiak of Martinez, Georgia is suspected of embezzling from a defense fund he was involved with meant for accused domestic terrorist Charles Dyer. Stachowiak is now under official investigation with authorities who believe he has fraudulently pocketed donations meant to be sent to the Charles Dyer Family for legal fees.
Hate Trackers has also uncovered a long history of child sexual abuse allegations against Stachowiak that range back to the 70’s, during a period in which a teenage Lispy Jim had fallen under the spell of communism.
Michael Turner with the website Chip In has confirmed that the Georgia Attorney General’s Office has subpoenaed financial records for an account set up to assist in the legal defense of Charles Dyer, who known as the July4Patriot has been detained for the possession of a destructive device and the alleged rape of a seven-year-old girl. It is suspected that while Stachowiak administered the account a substantial amount of money went missing. Turner would not comment further citing that while the investigation is ongoing his company would cooperate with law enforcement, but could not divulge details related to the missing funds.
Besides Stachowiak, associated with the account being investigated are Travis Steffens of California and Nancy Genovese of New York.
Stachowiak has recently undergone a number of financial setbacks that has seen the foreclosure of his home after his inability to make nine consecutive mortgage payments. In February both the water and gas utility companies ended service to his home. There is, also, rampant discussion of a deteriorating mental state as his neighbors have reported to police that he has been spotted roaming the neighborhood in soiled underwear carrying semi-automatic assault weapons.
The Public Information Officer for the Columbia County Sheriff’s Department says in recent weeks they’ve had two complaints called in to their Emergency Services Department that included the allegation that Stachowiak was seen roaming a family neighborhood heavily armed and pointing an AR15 semi-automatic assault weapon at shrubbery, while declaring that “demons from the Georgia Grindstones I absolutely rebuke you!”
Stachowiak has previously been accused of inappropriate behavior with a female child, which saw his dismissal from a police training program. Hate Trackers has also uncovered allegations that in 1977, while working with a communist youth group protesting the Panama Canal turnover, Stachowiak was deported from Panama after being accused of orally sodomizing a three-year-old boy.
Stachowiak now makes frequent appearances on the Eastern Bloc-financed propaganda media outlet known as Russia Today Television to demonize America. A number of Stachowiak’s close Polish relatives have served in the former USSR military and been charged with the torture of communist-detained citizens.
Stachowiak’s father was previously removed from a United States military service post in 1975 after suspicions arose that the younger Stachowiak was involved in recruiting German children for child pornography films. The teenaged Stachowiak is said to have fled to Czechoslovakia before reappearing in America and belonging to an American youth group being controlled by Soviet Intelligence. Within months of his American return Stachowiak was in Panama working on behalf of the communist organization trying to embarrass President Jimmy Carter.
Lispy Jim has spent the previous two months asking for donations to the July4Patriot Defense Fund, which the Dyer Family is now claiming they never received. Whenever donations to the fund have waned, Stachowiak has threatened certain parties that if they did not donate an amount acceptable to him, he would declare them traitors on his internet radio broadcast and publicize the home addresses of their children.
When allegations first came up that funds had disappeared, Stachowiak went on the offensive accusing different people of stealing money from the account. Authorities have dismissed those claims and are now focusing on Stachowiak as the prime suspect in the embezzlement.
The second video above is an undercover video of the July4Patriot's terrorist training camp in California. Hate Trackers identified who he was and the game was afoot. The video above that is from a television news story about threats the American Resistance Movement were making to us over Dyer's eventual arrest.
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The July4Patriot, real name Charles Dyer |
Prior to taking flight, the July4Patriot was prepping to go on a killing spree in revenge for child welfare keeping his daughter from him. It was his seven-year-old daughter that Charles Dyer had raped. We had been monitoring his online communications with the Militia Movement, while he was awaiting trial and after seeing he still had weapons and was going mental we warned the Stephens County Sheriff's Office of what was going on. They responded to his home, but he'd already left.
Dyer will be an old man when he gets out of prison in 2039.
Here's an undercover video we did at the time of Dyer's manhunt where HT had infiltrated his inner circle. We identified Debbie Swan as the person that helped him become a fugitive. Although she denies that to police in this video, she'd eventually admit to such before a federal grand jury. Undercover videos aren't the best quality, but you can get an idea of what's going on through Swan's talking to Texas police officers.
And that dear readers is Lispy Jim Stachowiak and the friends he always ends up cheating and betraying.
Frequently, Lispy Jim has done things that would have put others in prison, but he keeps avoiding that and keeps his guns as well.
There's a reason for that: When the heat gets turned up on him, Lispy Jim Stachowiak turns to snitching others out. He swings deals with the police and the feds by informing on his current associates.
Lispy Jim is at his core a clown that needs attention and a snitch, rat, fink, informant, what have you.
Now that he's hanging with the Confederates, you can be assured he's gathering intelligence on them, so that the next time he faces felony crimes, he has something to trade.